Sweet & Sour
Video Snippets of
Original Apokolani Music Moods & Stories of Hawai‘i
see the “vlog” talk-story tab for more
A special day of community sharing.
Celebrating Mother Earth, Mothers, Fathers and Creation on Motherʻs Day.
Makani o Ka‘ūpūlehu debut. A mele sparked by ike kupuna, Uncle Sonny Keakealani sharing ancestral and experiential knowledge of the winds from a Ka‘ūpūlehu orientation with his daughter Ku‘ulei and Ho’ola Ka Makana’ā hui to in turn hand down to future generations. The mele was birthed in the forest where the hui works, by Anakala Keoki who then grew the tribute to place with Kuwalu, Healohamele and Lanakila as oli grew, adding hula through the halau Waikā Unu. Uncle Keoki says these are the seeds he most loves to plant. Waikā Unu hopes to offer the honoring collaboration to place —the ahupua’a of Ka‘ūpūlehu. Kuulei and Aunty Yvonne offer more learning resources at this website link. Mahalo to Sonny Lim and Paul Lindbergh for joining in this special Waimea community day.
See all the creative sharing & mo‘olelo videoʻs from Motherʻs Day 2023
Byways…March 2019 Spring Equinox—an auspicious sweet-sour day.
Apokolani (Keoki, Yvonne and Paul)
with the Maker Brothers (Elliot and Greg Maker)
A live rendition of the newly recorded Apokolani song from the Auē Noho‘i album released December 2020. Auē Noho‘i is the songwriters commentary on “nuff already—how did we get here?
The Kumau Music Barn. L-R: Elliot Maker, keyboards; Gregory Maker, bass; Paul Lindbergh, saxophone; Keoki Apokolani Carter, guitar, vocals; and Yvonne Yarber vocals. ”Mahalo to the musician artisans, ‘āina Kumau and the sharing-caring of place by Jileen and Richard.
And another from that night, “Let Love In” a new song for the times and really fresh..
“Let Love In”
This VLOG link tells new song and
“Kumau Barn Sessions” album-making backstories.
All new songs with Apokolani & the Maker Brothers.
2023 Na Hoku Hanohano Finalist
Before the masks and pulling in…
Video captured memories before April 2020.
2020 March 12 surprise sitting in with John Patitucci along the Keanuiomano stream of ‘Ōuli. The last no-worry music gathering before CoVID. A handful of folks brought together gently by Alexis and John as the sun set to share aloha, creativity, place and music with their long time friend John Patitucci and his sweet singing daughter Grei. Mahalo for unexpected kindness and weaving spirits together.
“Once Upon A Time”
The gift of music surprise. Total improv…Johnʻs first time hearing Keoki & Yvonneʻs song. See more of the evening of joyful sharing in the VLOG tab link. Steve Bess and others in the video by J. Russell.
Auē Noho’i! Pili‘āina Concert July 16, 2022
July 16, 2022. A lā’au mahina!
Our first In-person Concert since March 2019
Sweet Healing of Kalaemano o Ka’ūpūlehu !
A pandemic break from the storms of that day that blew away from us.
Our first buck-a-loose hui sharing since the pandemic—and can tell, itʻs with all kind extended ohana. And all kind music stories.

Mahalo nui, Auntie Leinaala for tending Kalaemano that graced us with a special sunset and night under the stars. It returned mālama to you ’āina folks who do so much for place and community. To the lei weavers and āina tenders, who brought the wild sweet spirit of the kuahiwi to the kai! And the new hula stories through Leilā Dudley. Mahalo to the lifetime fine honing music by Paul Lindbergh on saxophone, Elliot Maker on keyboards. And borne into generations of music weavers under the starlight, Keoki & Yvonne. Mahalo Keola & ohana for sound crafting, and Nick for video. Maka and Arlo for pure keiki joy running in the grass. And Doris, for photos!

“What Happened” & “Why Not”. Meet musicians, Paul and Elliot.
The start of a special evening to a small hui for special times.
” ‘Ōhia Lehua ” —lā‘au, so special to Ka‘ūpūlehu Mauka & makai—where the Wa’a fisherman were seen from the upland slopes as lehua blossoms floating on the ocean. Seasonal Blossoms of many colors are still seen in the upland Flows of the 1800s. While older flows provide deeply rooted homes to the rare dryland trees and ancient ēlama.
‘Ōhi‘a Lehua by Apokolani and hula by Leilā Dudley. An evening with a Lā‘au moon as storms skirted around Kalaemanō. July 16, 2022.
“Just Keep On Livin” with hope, gratitude ad resilience.
July 2022. “Just Keep On Livin”. In the midst of an island storm and pandemic variant “B5”, a protective delta is formed by the healing winds of Kalaemano of Ka‘ūpūlehu and unexpected stories are told. “By Ways” and “Star Gazing”. Auē! Oh no! An improptu intimate kukae story follows the songs among friends about doodoo sharing.
“By Ways” and “Star Gazing”. Keoki says, “In these times of kukae, gotta look at it, tell the stories, and laugh.”
Debut of the new Apokolani Mele “Puahala”. A song of resilience and hope.
Mahalo Paul, Keoki and Elliot For Gifting Hope and aloha Through Sound Waves
“Nearness of You” by Hoagy CarMichael. Dedicated to Coco & Gil.
Sweet Healing By Kalaemano o Ka’ūpūlehu

September 1, 2023 pilina o Ka’ūpūlehu.
Mahina, makani and place showed itʻs powers and gifts.
An evening of powerful illumination
Keiki Pūnana Leo o Waimea brought their beautiful voices and love and positive intentions of kuleana and hope as the opened the evening. As MC of the evening Ku’ulei Keakealani began the weaving, awakening and pilina to place as she told of succession, regeneration, of ‘āina with spoken words and poetry.
Waikā Unu further wove together realms with their hula—not a performance but a powerful dialogue with place—honoring seen and unseen. The second tribute “Ka Makani o Ka‘ūpūlehu” was borne over several years, out of the forest and several generations of history keepers and land tenders. The culmination morphed into a mele by “Uncle” Keoki and collaboration with Kuwalu Anakalea, Healoha Mele, Lanakila Manguil and Waikā Unu halau. They nearly blew us all away, as if in seeming response, makani amped up itʻs amplitudes to share undeniable power and beauty.
Apokolani began sharing mele in a gentle breeze and then adapted to the growing makani to become an almost comical stage presence —still joyful as they were blown about.
While wind still shared its power, the evening closed with hula and mele shared by the diverse musician and Punana Leo principal Blayne Asing.
Opening honoring Waimea, Moku O Keawe.
Ku’ulei Keakealani & daughter Nahe Techera. Mahalo nui!
March 2021.
Sweet Pilina of Music, Leo, and Place. Ola!
Mahalo Kahilu for virtual online music concerts to balance pandemic challenges,
soothing and nurturing community spirit during statewide quarantine.
From the Kahilu.TV March 26, 2021 virtual performance to 13 ohana collaborators sitting in the back of the theatre, and two rows of life-sized cutouts in the front, the awesome crew and plenty folk who watched via the world-wide-web, from near and far. Mahalo to Ku‘ulei Keakealani, her daughter Nahe, Keola Grace, and Leila Dudley who joined us.
“Goin Home” (Kīhoalu), “Sweet Nani”, & “Puukawaiwai” More Apokolani Originals, and hula by Leilā.
Before the masks and pulling in…Video captured memories before April 2020.
2020 March 12 surprise sitting in with John Patitucci along the Keanuiomano stream of ‘Ōuli. The last no-worry music gathering before CoVID. A handful of folks brought together gently by Alexis and John as the sun set to share aloha, creativity, place and music with their long time friend John Patitucci and his sweet singing daughter Grei. Mahalo for unexpected kindness and weaving spirits together.
“Once Upon A Time”
The gift of music surprise. Total improv…Johnʻs first time hearing Keoki & Yvonneʻs song. See more of the evening of joyful sharing in the VLOG tab. Steve Bess and others in the video by J. Russell.
Community creative venues are special non-commercial vortexes
Wards Rafters in Kaimuki, Oahu 2017 —gone but not forgotten—was a creative non-commercial music venue for decades we were lucky to experience. A place for all kinds of music. Here we are with Elliot Maker and Jon Hawes joining us——sharing music with whoever found their way to Rafters that evening—friends and kind strangers alike.
“Mahina Love”
And in Waimea, Hawai‘i island. Bring It! Waimea until the pandemic.
And in Waimea, Hawai‘i island. Bring It! Waimea, until the pandemic.
Bring It! Waimea, brings songwriters and community kindness together, sharing birthing of new songs and sparking creative process. Five minutes a person, before the dancing hands! Open mic for original songs and spoken word. Yvonne & Keoki with Diesal on cajon. And thanks to the volunteer hui for this historic era. 2017. The first song inspired by the Waialae famous Harryʻs Music Store and the changing times.
Merchant and Richards. A music video.
Auē Noho‘i. A songwriters commentary on “nuff already—how did we get here?”
A videographers call for compassion because this can happen to most anyone.
Scenes at Merchant & Richards Streets in Honolulu sparked the writing of this song. “Merchant And Richards: You Can Park Here, Sheʻs Not A Meter Maid,” Is a multimedia collaborative work by Yvonne Yarber Carter and Keoki Apokolani Carter expressing feelings about changes in downtown Honolulu, a microcosm of change through the last two centuries in Hawaii. Richards Street runs mauka, near Iolani Palace to makai, near Aloha Tower. “Recent visits to O‘ahu, the island of our birth, stirred powerful emotions, images and concern—feelings of loss, incongruity, compassion, abiding love, rich memories and worry. Worry, that no amount of triage can repair the damage caused by decades of society valuing economic wealth above community and earthʻs wellbeing”. Using imagery, original sounds and music Keoki and Yvonne acknowledge a collective responsibility, and the hope that our hearts are not lost, or gone missing. The original draft video used audio from a live concert and became part of the Hawaii State Arts collection. This remake incorporates our new studio recording. Keoki Apokolani on guitar and vocals. Paul Lindbergh on saxophone. Jon Hawes on acoustic upright bass. Video camera, production and editing: Yvonne Yarber Carter
Grateful to have “virtual” ways to connect.
Mahalo To many making it happen.
Aloha to Kahilu Theatre for community resilience and creating Kahilu.TV
From the Kahilu.TV March 26, 2021 virtual performance to 13 ohana collaborators sitting in the back of the theatre, two rows of life-sized cutouts in the front, the awesome crew and plenty folk who watched via the world-wide-web, from near and far. Mahalo to Ku‘ulei Keakealani, her daughter Nahe, Keola Grace, and Leila Dudley who joined us.
1: Ku‘ulei and Nahe grace the evening with opening oli and connecting to the waters of Waimea.
2: Kīhoalu Keola & Keoki
3: Sweet Nani. Hula with lovely, oluolu Lēila Dudley
4: Puukawaiwai. Kīhoalu and hula with Lēila Dudley
5: ‘Āina Kakou borne in waters and drylands of Makaha
6-9: A mix of baritone uke, guitar & island jazz
10 & 11: More stories to tell, Mahina Love & Byways
Apokolani & Friends performance on Kahilu.TV on Friday, March 26, 2021. Honoring the special place of North Kona and South Kohala, Waimea and its waters with a mix of kīhō‘alu. Keoki Apokolani Carter takes the Kahilu stage with Yvonne Yarber (Carter) and special guests Ku‘ulei Keakealani, her daughter Nahe, Keola Grace, and Leila Dudley.
Keoki Apokolani Carter is a songwriter on Hawaiʻi Island who performs most often as the trio “Apokolani.” His original music is composed on baritone ukulele or guitar. Lyrics tell of life, love, spirit of place and each other, with occasional humorous twists. Keoki often writes in collaboration with his “puʻuwai” and vocalist, Yvonne Yarber (Carter). The island sound of Apokolani pushes boundaries, weaving together jazz with island sway— whatever rhythm fits the story— slack, blues, or any kind. Compositions rise up out of his Hawaiian heart, soul, and experiences. From kīhō‘alu with a unique twist, to contemporary guitar and baritone ukulele that melds genres.
2020 November 20th talkstory fun with Jaz & Ka’ea on KAPA radio.
Launching a new CD. “Auē Noho‘i”.
Mahalo Ka‘ea for giving the name, “Conscious Music”.
See the YouTube video here or the Facebook posting. “Quarantined Edition”
Always good-fun and inspiring with these hard-working, creative, growers of community who strengthen our island hearts and home. Can you imagine? Kumu Hula, DJs, teachers, parents, and still-yet have found time to kokua ame mālama wao lama [help care for the dryland forest].

A music project of love for ‘āina—waters, light, land, air, and all living things—above and below. Mahalo for the gift of life. To the planet elders—forgive our young human stupidity.

Auē Noho‘i is a new collection of songs for home planet earth
“from the first of our Pili ‘Aina series”
Album Featuring
Keoki Apokolani Carter — baritone ukulele, guitar, vocals
Paul Lindbergh — tenor saxophone
Yvonne Yarber — vocals
Jon Hawes — bass & piano
Special Guests:
Sonny Lim — bass “Listen To Her Heartbeat”
Alex Czerny — piano “What Happened”
Noa Eads — cajon “Color In Your Heart”
Michaloha Elam — trumpet “Color In Your Heart”
Maria Grigoryeva—strings
Matias Menarguez—drums
Bruno Buarque—percussion
Before COVID mālama and sorrows. Video captured memories before April 2020.
2020 March surprise sitting in with John Patitucci along the Keanuiomano stream of ‘Ōuli. The last no-worry music gathering before CoVID. A handful of folks brought together kindly by Alexis and John as the sun set to share aloha, creativity, place and music with their long time friend John Patitucci and his sweet singing daughter Grei.
John Patitucci meets new friends—live improv style and good fun surprise.
John Russell captures moments on film. And Mahalo to Zen In Black website.
0:0-9:41 John cooking. Brian McCree as bass players duet; others follow the sunset
09:42-10:47 Keoki with Steve Bess
14:12-15:23 Byways (Keoki & Yvonne)
15:23-19:20 Steve Bess make us crack up & others join in
19:21 to 23:08 Once There Was A TIme (Keoki & Yvonne)
23::09 Grei with John
Just Keep On Livin
“Kiss the sky” a couple versions with sonny insert
A new song about hard times…still yet…got to kiss the sky in gratitude for life. Recorded and released four years later. Open mic for original songs and spoken word only…5 minutes a person and the big foam hand keeps time—total community fun!
December 2016.
Release of single “Hele On Kinda Day“

AUDIO January 2, 2019 Kapa Cafe radio interview. Jaz and Kaea debut the release of single “Hele On Kinda Day” and as usual, bust out the laughs. Talk about the shift from jazzy blues back to kī hō ‘alu roots. Music that comes from life.. A walk down ‘Ōuli, Waiulaula …”such a beautiful day, I came home, slack the guitar and started playing. So I say the river wrote the music. “my pili aiana music…I sing about people that upset me I try to make the music sweet so they listen…then, think, oh you singing about me”. More laughs…and mahalo to Sonny Lim for studio time and adding to the mele.